Season 1, 1st to 15th issue

Issues 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & 15
15 × 20 pages and sometimes more
21 × 29,7 cm, CMYK and sometimes more, Saddle stitched binding
Design: Syndicat
Sold out — available on demand

n° 01 — A collectionRouge-gorge, Éditions Cent pages by SpMillot. Author: Thierry Chancogne
n° 02 — A technical platform: by Maximage. Author: Manon Bruet
n° 03 — A monographRecollected Work by Mevis & van Deursen. Author: Étienne Hervy
n° 04 — A communication: invitation cards by the artist Stanley Brouwn. Author: Céline Chazalviel
n° 05 — An Instagram post: P/Pa/Para/Paradiso by jetset_experimental (July 1 2017). Author: Manon Bruet
n° 06 — A series of gesturesInvisible Touch, from Farocki to l’Architecture Aujourd’hui, some notes on the handling of things. Author: Catherine Guiral
n° 07 — A bookParallel Encyclopedia, Batia Suter. Author: Jérôme Dupeyrat
n° 08 — A residency: Coline Sunier & Charles Mazé, at Villa Medici. Author: Thierry Chancogne
n° 09 — A typefaceMitim by Radim Peško. Author: Thierry Chancogne
n° 10 — A line: Robert Brownjohn. Authors: Étienne Hervy, Natasha Leluc
n° 11 — Books/exhibitionsVOL. 13 by Klaus Scherübel, Title of the Show by Julia Born and THEREHERETHENTHERE by Simon Starling. Author: Jérôme Dupeyrat
n° 12 — A magazine: Poster of a Girl, magazine Emmanuelle. Authors: Catherine Guiral & Sarah Vadé
n° 13 — A curatorial workGraphic Design in the White Cube by Peter Bil’ak. Author: Lise Brosseau
n° 14 — A series of posters: CDDB Théâtre de Lorient by M/M (Paris). Author: Étienne Hervy
n° 15 — The work done everyday: the Mucem. Authors: Manon Bruet and Thomas Petitjean. + Questions from Spassky Fischer to Experimental Jetset, Bureau Mirko Borsche, Cornel Windlin, OK-RM, Mevis & van Deursen, Strobo, Roosje Klap, Studio Dumbar.