n°37 — Critical distances: Georges Nelson, concerns and warnings of a modernist. Author: Catherine Geel
Author: Catherine Geel
24 pages, 21 × 29,7 cm, CMYK + 1 PMS on cover
6 April 2022
ISBN: 979-10-95991-40-3
ISSN: 2558-2062
Georges Nelson (1908-1986), an American functionalist designer with polished creations, but with complex textual and visual manifestations is a special case within American Modernism, as is hinted at by the titles of his designs: A Problem of Design: How to Kill People, (1960), Requiem (1960) or Elegy in the Junk Yard (1961).
Why then isn’t Nelson identified as a writer or critic, despite his considerable written output? *
* See the main collections of texts: Problem of Design (Whitney Publication, 1957) On Design (Whitney Publication, 1979).