
n°41 — The Image of Fashion: Forget (fashion) photography? Author: Aude Fellay

n°38 — Special Issue: A debate: Jan Van Toorn / Wim Crouwel. Author: Thierry Chancogne

n°30 — Types of types: the typographic specimen by Lineto. Author: Olivier Lebrun

n°28 — The conference: a format. Authors: Manon Bruet, Area of Work

n°24 — A theater identity: The Schauspielhaus Zürich by Cornel Windlin. Authors: Étienne Hervy and Thierry Chancogne

n°23 — Jan Tschichold: The Master approving of his own work. Author: Žiga Testen

n°19 — A history: graphic designer-publishers. Author: Thierry Chancogne

n°15 — The work done everyday: the Mucem. Authors: Manon Bruet and Thomas Petitjean. + Questions from Spassky Fischer to Experimental Jetset, Bureau Mirko Borsche, Cornel Windlin, OK-RM, Mevis & van Deursen, Strobo, Roosje Klap, Studio Dumbar.

n°13 — A curatorial work: Graphic Design in the White Cube by Peter Bil’ak. Author: Lise Brosseau

n°10 — A line: Robert Brownjohn. Author: Étienne Hervy, Natasha Leluc

n°05 — An Instagram post: P/Pa/Para/Paradiso by jetset_experimental (July 1 2017). Author: Manon Bruet

n°04 — A communication: invitation cards by the artist Stanley Brouwn. Author: Céline Chazalviel