n°40 — A Collaboration : Les Urbaines & Eurostandard. Author: Manon Bruet

Author: Manon Bruet
24 pages, 21 × 29,7 cm, CMYK
28 September 2022
ISBN: 979-10-95991-41-0
ISSN: 2558-2062


Since opening in 1996, the interdisciplinary festival in Lausanne, Les Urbaines, has collaborated with numerous Swiss Graphic Designers. Coming after Guillaume Chuard and Renato Zülli (2011), Maximage (2012–2015), and Daniel Hättenschwiller and Thomas Petit (2016) among others, Eurostandard took charge of the visual identity of the three editions from 2017 to 2019. To constitute this triptych, which had been imagined as a whole, for each event the studio proposed to explore a new technique originally intended to produce deformed selfies. On one hand the use of this procedure alowed them to question modes of self-representation and thus produce a discourse profoundly rooted in its time. On the other, it allowed them to generate unique visuals and to inscribe absolutely their identity in three steps, each one following on from the previous one. This issue provides the opportunity to look back, through the words of the Graphic Designers and especially the clients, at these three years of collaboration, and more broadly at the festival’s different visual identities which, when taken together, seem to describe a certain landscape of Swiss Graphic Design.

Season 3, 31st to 45th issue: