n°10 — A line: Robert Brownjohn. Author: Étienne Hervy, Natasha Leluc

Author: Étienne Hervy
Watercolor: Natasha Leluc.

28 pages, 21 × 29,7 cm, CMYK
4th April 2018
ISBN: 979-10-95991-09-0
ISSN: 2558-2062


The figure of Robert Brownjohn oscillates between New York and London, swaying between the 1950s and the 1960s, juggling, within the profusion of his production, with typographic games and photographic essays, identities on headed notepapers and advertising installations, packaging in the form of a rejected project and the opening credits that went on to become an archetype for every other spy movie. Constantly stumbling between life and ideas, the trajectory of this student prodigy of Moholy-Nagy who later became the design prodigy of swinging London is a line that never ceases to end. Whether he burned too bright or simply burned too much, this unruly genius forced the gaze of history to turn away, preferring to look elsewhere so as not to frighten the other well behaved children. Little matter the story, once it is signed Love B.J. This 10th issue of the magazine Faire contains original watercolors by Natacha Leluc.
